domingo, 22 de abril de 2018

BONUS: Sculptures, art and feelings.

"Voyageurs" (Travellers) is the name of this sculpture created by the French artist Bruno Catalano.

Voyageur en Marsella, escultura en bronce de Bruno Catalano


Catalano's sculptures remind us of the immigrants' hard life, of the fragility of human beings, of how difficult it is to go from one place to another seeking a place to settle. One's identity is shaped by several things: our culture, the mixing with other cultures, our beliefs, our religion, food and language... Or, as Julia Alvarez puts it: it's like being "on that border between two worlds." 
Would you like to know more about the artist? You can visit his OFFICIAL SITE.


  • Choose ONE or TWO questions and go to the COMENTARIOS section. Share your answers/ opinions with your mates.
    • Did you know the artist?
    • Do you think he reflects immigrants' feelings?
    • What is the difference between being an immigrant and a tourist?
    • Do you think ALL immigrants share the same feelings?
    • Were your ancestors/family accepted in Argentina?
    • Should people feel free to go from one country to another?
    • Can people settle down in another country easily?
    • Who do you thing adapt better/faster to the new culture: children, teenagers, adults, nobody?
    • How can immigrants become part of the new culture?
    • Is the phenomenon of interculturality spontaneous? Does it depend on different factors? Which ones?
    • Are some peoples/cultures more adaptable than others?
    • Does this sculpture reflect a "melting pot "? Why? Why not?
    • When you appreciate Catalano's art, do you feel the clash between cultures?
    • When you appreciate Catalano's art, do you grasp the feeling of despair?
    • Does the empty space in the middle of the sculpture reflect/mean anything? What?
    • Does "illegal immigration" exist? What do you think?
  • REMEMBER TO SIGN YOUR COMMENT!!! We need to know WHO you are!
  • Choose the BEST answers (2, 3, 4...) and paste them onto your portfolio.


stella :-)

45 comentarios:

  1. I believe that the empty space in the middle of Catalano's sculture reflect how your soul feels when you are not at home. Your body may be somewhere but your mind is remembering everything you left behind. Considering this, I think that adapting to a new culture does not depend on the age. It's related to each person's ability to adapt.

    Selene Bravo

    1. Good job Selene. And thanks for opening this discussion forum. Your ideas ALSO reflect Catalano's art.


  2. Cataláno's sculpture is a clear reflection of despair. As selene said you can be in other country but your heart is where your family and friends are. Most of the people that emigrate left their country escaping from war or hunger. So despite that they grew up new memories they will always remember HOME. And for my is more easy for children to emigrate cause they haven't built many memories at the moment so they won't feel that feeling if despair
    Romina Álvarez

    1. Yes, Romina, You're right...there is an empty space inside immigrants. However, children's "hole" can be smaller, but it still exists.
      Thanks for sharing


  3. The differents between inmigrants and tourists are the feelings. I think an inmigrant´s feeling of leaving behind his home, family and friends to start a new life in another country is of sadness, fear also hope and relief wishing to have an opportunity where to settle down and begin a renewed life. They suffer the trip.
    While tourists are blissful they enjoy going other places, knewing people of differents countries, visiting wonderful natural landscapes, imagining how it´ll taste native food.
    Tourists know they are coming back home sooner or later but inmigrants don´t know if they are even going to return. Part of their heart and soul remains home as their body travels.
    Paula Nagel

  4. I think that people who emigrated from their countries were looking for a new reality and the life that they couldn´t have in theirs own places. Also I think that it´s must be such a diffucult decision to take, speccially when you have children and you can´t give them what they need to live.
    As the artist shows in this sculpture, people who emigrate never feel complete again, they have the hard work of adapting to a new community with their own customs and some of them try to maintain the customs of their places of origin.

    Veronica Lopez

  5. I think there is a big difference between a tourist and an inmigrant because when a tourist arrive in a different country wich isn't their own place,they do it for pleasure.On the other hand,inmigrants leaves their country out of necessity, either because their country is of War,hunger original bad economic spending.

  6. In my opinion, the empty space in the middle of the sculpture represents what the immigrants feel when they have to live in a new country. An important part of them has gone .They are imcompletes as much as the sculpture.

  7. I think that the sculpture shwos what a person leaves behind when they are forced to abandon their place of origin leaving even a part of their identity.I didnt know the sculptor but i think he did an excellent job embodying this idea in his sculpture.
    lucia klug

  8. Dear @ll,
    so far your comments have been pretty interesting . And I can see you can establisha difference between an immigrant and a refugee (or a person seeking refuge in a foreign country).
    Remember to READ YOUR MATES' CONTRIBUTUIONS and feel free to comment on them or post your own comment again.
    in contact

    stella :-)

  9. I agree with Selene's comment. I also think the space in the middle of the sculture reflects that a part of inmigrants is in their country of origin and the other one is facing a new hard reality. They feel uncomplete and empty. They can have a renewed life but they'll never forget their homes and families.

    — Natalia Garay.

  10. I think this sculpture does not reflect a melting pot. It is a very strong image for me. Why the part that is missing is in the middle? In almost all of Bruno´s work there is a hole in the middle of the body... At a very first sight I thought the sculptures were very similar, and they are, because the heart is in the middle of the chest, and if you tear it you remove also every skin, muscle, veins, and all around it leaving just an empty space. Nevertheless, most of the immigrants the artist shows us are facing to the front. Some of them are looking up... to the future, to the sky, with hope I think. But not all immigrants are the same. The ones who leave because they find a better job, or a love in another part of the world have not the same feelings of the ones who escape from a dictator or from poverty. The first ones chose to move, the second ones maybe do not want to go away but they must or are forced to do it to preserve their lives.
    María Teresa Bruno.

    1. I agree with you María Teresa when you say that not all immigrants are the same, I think there's a huge difference between those who leave their home willingly, from those who are forced to leave. As you said there's people who emigrate to a different country to find a better job, to follow someone they love; I think these people are the ones who arrive to a new country with lots of hope in their hearts, they dream about finding a job and living a better life with more opportunities for them or their children in the new country. They arrive hoping to start a life with someone they love.
      In the other hand, I think, those who are forced to leave, arrive in the depths of despair, escaping from war, hunger, poverty, from something so terrible that is forcing them to leave their homes, their families.
      Mara Medina Basquez

  11. I think that the sculpture can be interpreted different ways. The empty hole in the man can be a representation of the deep pain and sadness that produces to leave, a piece of you is left behind. In the other hand, the sculpture also can represent a person who is empty, but she or he want to find a new life , maybe find a new place where she or he can feel like home, but not for a reason to push you to leave. People sometimes do not feel identificated with their country or culture, and they feel they belong somewhere else and they look for that place to call home. I really think that "Home" is not always in the land where you was born.

    BARNET, Karen

  12. I enjoy reading your comments. I see you're getting involved, little by little. Good job!


  13. What a wonderful sculpture. I think it shows the emptiness of immigrants after they arrive at another country, where they have to live and get used to another culture. I leave the questions what I chose and I answer them.

    Are some peoples/cultures more adaptable than others?

    I think there are, because some cultures share the same language or they have the same habits. It's easier for a latinamerican family go to a country where the native language is Spanish, or maybe they could share the same religion (which can be an important matter in another countries of the world)

    Were your ancestors/family accepted in Argentina?

    Yes, they were. I know that my paternal grandmother settled here in the 1950's with her family who came from Berlin, after the World War II (she was only eight years old). They lived in the USSR's side of the Berlin Wall and they had to flee because there were so much hunger and they were always watched by Russian soldiers.
    Apart from being from Germany, my grandmother was raised here, and she feels that she's been always been accepted as an Argentinian citizen.

    Martín Graff

  14. REMEMBER to choose some/a couple of questions and answers (yours or somebody else's answers) and paste them onto your PORTFOLIO.

    st :-)

  15. I think that the difference between tourists and immigrants is that tourists know that they are coming back to their country, they are just visiting and exploring the place and just feeling excited about that. But the immigrants don't know if they are coming back someday, some of them maybe are slipping away from a war or a dictatorship, so they must feel scared and confused to start a new life style with different cultures and different kind of people. But I think every person that has been raised in another country, is going to feel nostalgic, even if it is just a litte.

    Tatiana Campos

  16. Valentín García1 de mayo de 2018, 13:27

    Who do you thing adapt better/faster to the new culture: children, teenagers, adults, nobody?

    In my opinion the younger you are, the easier and faster it is for you to adapt in a new culture. When you haven't lived too much time you don't know about your own culture as much as an older person so you probably aren't used or you probably don't know how your culture works. But it depends too on how different is your culture of the another one you want to be adapted.

    Valentín García

  17. Are some peoples/cultures more adaptable than others?
    No culture is more adaptable than others; they are all difficult in their own ways. And let´s be real when you move to another country or you met someone from another culture you find it fascinating but difficult to understand since you are always trying to compare it with your own one.
    Rocio Sawczuk.

  18. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  19. When you appreciate Catalano's art, do you grasp the feeling of despair?
    Yes, despite the explanation of the meaning of the sculptures, you can see the feeling of despair from the man face. So I think that is what he wanted to show in his work, that sense of being out of your land facing a "new world" on your own. Maybe running from one reality and not knowing if his life will get better or worst in this new place.

  20. Do you think he reflects inmigrants feelings?
    I think that Catalano´s sculptures try to show how the inmigrants feels in their own life, he reflect that feeling of loneliness, try to find te happiness in a quiet place, not have to run a place to another.

    What is the difference between being an inmigrant and a tourist?
    The difference between being an inmigrant and a tourist is that an inmigrant try to find the way of their own life in a place, that can identify with himself or try to survived and a tourist goes to visit differents places, you can feel identify or not but you return to your place were you live.

  21. Agustina Lerchundi1 de mayo de 2018, 18:32

    What is the difference between being an immigrant and a tourist?
    The difference between them is that a tourist visits other countries for pleasure, to meet new people, places, to know other cultures. It is for a period of time and they know they are going back home.
    On the contrary an immigrant is escaping of something or someone, knowing they are probably never coming back. Their feelings are of sadness and despair for leaving their homes, memories and family behind but also of hope because they are looking for a better place to live and to start a new life.
    Agustina Lerchundi

  22. Do you think ALL immigrants share the same feelings?: I don't think so, I know a dentist, he is from Venezuela, and she told me that it is a dissaster and he prefers stay here in Argentina

    How can immigrants become part of the new culture?: They can Show us their cultures, theach us, and even speaking about their customs, i think the best way is introducing you with someone from another country that can teach you

    I am Facundo Sanchez

  23. I don`t know Catalano Scultures but I think he is fantasic.
    I believe his art's reflects inmigrants feelings, In the sense of the way He can express the real situation - For example my mother felt when she came Baires from Asuncion-Paraguay. She suffer`s a lot of. At the begininng she suffer`s the luck of sensibility. Then she could be more confidence of who she was and she felt better and better beacause She have to do it... that`s all! Now I`m proud!!!! Ruth Mabel Gaona.

  24. I don`t know catalano`s art but It is amazing that a sculpture can transmit different things.
    In my opinión it reflects how inmigrants feel when they have to leave in a new country,leaving their cultures and families behind and they never feel complete again

    Cecilia Sirimarco

  25. -Should people feel free to go from one country to another?

    First, I think that us humans should live its life without borders at all, we all walk the same earth and breath the same air. Although the meaning of nationality and patriotism have become is some places of the world not like it should be, forgetting and disrespecting foreign cultures and creating moral and ethical contrary views, which does nothing but create clashes and hate.
    Certainly, people should feel of doing it so, there could be different reason for it, simple tourism, scaping from wars or dictatorships, or on a look for new opportunities, etc.

    Fernando Luna.

  26. Does the empty space in the middle of the sculpture reflect/mean anything? What?

    in my opinion, the empty space in the middle of the sculpture is all a person leaves behind when immigrates somewhere else to live. Things like family, friends, customs, language. It must be really hard to leave our roots behind and that's what i think the sculpture somehow means.

    Emiliano Aguiar.

  27. i think that the artist represents the inmmigrant’s fellins because they always will have a hole that they couldn’t fill. They always will be miss somebody or something and they left part of their heart in their country.

    The difference between being a inmmigrant and a tourist are that the tourist visit de country for a short time to know the country. And the inmimigrants settled in the contry for live in.

    Sabrina Barrios.

  28. I think Catalano's sculpture expresses how people feel when the difficulty of finding a place to live becomes complicated. As time passing something begins to change, something like an empty space inside the immigrants for not being where they want to be and for everything they have left behind.
    Karen Franco.

  29. Sorry to write this post late.

    What is the difference between being an inmigrant and a tourist?

    The difference between them is the tourist goes to a country to meet the place, a new culture and customs for pleasure and not for pressure or need.
    An inmigrant needs to move on another country to get a better quality of life , for job or because the inmigrant suffers a situation in his country that makes him leave there.


  30. Solange Ojeda Diz12 de mayo de 2018, 15:56

    Do you think ALL immigrants share the same feelings?

    Surely not but most of them i think yes. It depends if you have to left your own country for your reason or because you hadn't another option.

    Who do you thing adapt better/faster to the new culture: children, teenagers, adults, nobody?

    I think is hard for every people that already learned the native language, so i think the children like (0 -6 years old) could be more easy.

    Sorry, i'm late.

    Ojeda Diz Solange.

  31. What is the difference between being an immigrant and a tourist?

    The difference is that as a tourist you go to some other country to have a good time,to spend a
    short manner of time there and to experiment littell of the culture but as an immigrant you
    know that this place is going to be your home for a while so you have to fit and adapt
    the system, the work culture, the views on life and even the way of eating.
    The keyword between the two experience is time.

    Are some peoples/cultures more adaptable than others?

    I think is always hard to adapt to a new places even if you are moving from different towns in the same country,but is more easy fit in a country if you are close to their culture and language,for example a british would have a lot easy to adapt new york than a japanese,that is not to say that the british will felt like home but that the language barrier is not comparison and the work ethics in some country are more similar than in the other.

    Att.Angela Cisneros Reboa

  32. Horacio Gabriel Salinas26 de mayo de 2018, 15:51

    To answer the question What's the difference between a tourist and an inmigrant in my opinion is basically that a tourist enjoy visiting the country as he knows that when he comes back home he has his home waiting for him but in the case of the inmigrant he must worry about a house, food and many other things.
    Horacio Salinas

  33. Horacio Gabriel Salinas26 de mayo de 2018, 16:00

    And in connection with the question about the inmigration problems I think that it shouldn't be easy to inmigrate to a foreing country as it is no easy for local people to survive and sometimes they have to share the few resorces with the forigners, I'm talking specifically about Argentina and regards the question of who adapts better to inmigration I think the children and young people do.
    Horacio Salinas

  34. ¿what's the difference between being a an immigrant and a tourist?

    -The main difference between both is the time you'll be staying in a country.For example,in the USA the immigrants needs an immigrant VISA (IV) to live permantly there, but if you wish to be in the U.S on a temporary time you need a non-immigrant VISA (NIV).

    ¿Do you think all immigrants share the same feelings?

    -The answer is an absolutely NO, same immigrants want to move to other country only because they think it'd be better or maybe they don't have other possibilities. Some wish living on their dreamed country and became immigrants only because they like or decided it.

  35. Yes I do. I think the feelings are perfectly reflected by Catalano as the immigrants never won't e completed though.They have to adañt a new community.
    In my opinion the empty space in the middle of the sculpture reflect how they feel when their identity is shaped by different things like mixing other cultures,customes and languages. It is like living in two worlds.

  36. The empty man represents inmigrants for me , mostly because each of everyone who leaves their country is also leaving a part of themselves as culture , family and friends. Therefore it´s expected to feel empty far away from your home.
    People should be free to go whatever country they want. Everyone has the right to seek for opportunities.

  37. What is the difference between being an immigrant and a tourist?
    In the one hand the difference between them are that tourist decide to go to another country as a pleasure , holiday , etc , and immigrants have the necessity to leave their country to another because in their own country have several problems , or they suffer poverty , the country is in a middle of a war too can be possible ,they have a lot of reasons to leave the country .On the other hand , the difference between them are the feelings , the tourists go to another country and they feel pleased , happy , enjoying the moment, and the immigrants feel a empty . So we can never compare an immigrant with a tourist .

  38. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  39. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  40. What is the difference between being an immigrant and a tourist?

    I think the main difference is that inmigrants settle up in a foreign country because they must, they don't have a choise. Tourist visit and travel in their leisure time, they do not need to flee from their homeland. However, I believe both (inmigrants and tourists) may have something in common. Inmigrants ussually abandon their countries because of serious problems such as wars or political persecution, they want to change their reality. Tourist, people that enjoy travelling and visiting other lands, they may also pursue a change in their life, not as radical as inmigrants need but still. Travelling and discovering new places definetly is the way many people have to deal with personal and social issues that affects them.

    Gabriel Rivero.

  41. My father's family came from Romania in 1901. Mateo and Maria, my grand-grandparents felt in love with Rosario, Santa Fe. Although they have the possibility to went back to Romania, they decided to stay in Argentina.
    I think it is easier to settle down in another country if you move to somewhere the language is your mother tongue.
    Mariela Marcoch

  42. Do you think he reflects immigrants' feelings?

    I think so because the empty space in the statue reflects how a person left behind a certain part of him, like family friends and his own home.

    Matias Ignacio Ruiz
