miércoles, 20 de junio de 2018

ww2-quiz- shoes

Resultado de imagen para "Zapatos en el paseo del Danubio" por Can Togay y Gyula Pauer

Resultado de imagen para "Zapatos en el paseo del Danubio" por Can Togay y Gyula Pauer

slideshare https://es.slideshare.net/lclau/los-zapatos-en-el-danubio

MORE ART.- There but not There.

More art: There but not there. These are silhouettes in different places in the UK that remind us of the dead soldiers. Interesting, isn't it?

There But Not There silhouette at the Tower of London
       There But Not There silhouette at Big Pit, Wales
       There But Not There silhouette at Giant's Causeway, Northern Ireland
Northern IRELAND
There But Not There silhouette in snowy Kent landscape

IMPORTANT: You need NOT complete the portfolio, or study or read anything. Just reflect upon the role of art as HEALING (sanadora) CAPACITY.
Would you like to learn more? Go HERE.


WW1- The Outbreak of the war.

Artist: The soldier was built by Martin Galbavy, a Slovakian blacksmith and artist who took three months to create it  Resultado de imagen para ww1
Another PIECE OF ART to show the horrors of the WW1.
  • It is made from items including spanners, car jacks, brake discs and horse shoes
  • Blacksmith and artist Martin Galbavy took three months to create the soldier
  • Its corroded complexion reflects the weathered look of a soldier weary from war
 (SOURCE: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4088906/Tin-Tommy-s-ready-scrap-20ft-metal-soldier-haunting-reminder-World-War.html

Read the rest of the material (Core Content. From The Outbreak of the War to Entry of the US -included) for NEXT CLASS. And get ready to answer a STUDY GUIDE.


Russian Revolution.

Resultado de imagen para VIRTUAL CLASSVIRTUAL CLASS::INGLÈS PARA ESTUDIOS INTERCULTURALES. This is a VERY VERY VERY SHORT entry, simply to introduce the Russian Revolution that took place "in the middle" of WW1. 

Resultado de imagen para russian revolution causes and effects

Presentation acknowledgements: Melisa Ibañes & Rebecca Torrez.

  • copy the CHART in your portfolio
  • complete the chart with information from the Prezi presentation (MIND YOU: I spotted 2 spelling mistakes!)
  • Answer this question in a SHORT paragraph: How did the Russian Revolution strengthen or weaken Russia? (You do not have MUCH INFORMATION, but risk an answer!!!


WOMEN during and after WW1.


WW1 AT HOME https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p01p329t


VIRTUAL CLASS: Christmas Truce 1914


VIRTUAL CLASS: Since we've been missing several classes...THIS ENTRY will be 
our VIRTUAL CLASS. You'll have to work ON YOUR OWN. 
Any queries, let me know ASAP.

The Christmas Truce of 1914 is often celebrated as a symbolic moment of peace in an otherwise devastatingly violent war. We may like to believe that for just one day, all across the front, men from both sides emerged from the trenches and met in No Man’s Land to exchange gifts and play football. But first-hand testimonies help us get closer to what really happened.
Along the Western Front, a scattered series of small-scale ceasefires did happen between some German and British forces. But this brief festive reprieve was far from a mass event. Where it didn't occur, 25 December 1914 was a day of war like any other. Where it did, accounts suggest that men sang carols and in some cases left their trenches and met in No Man's Land....
Along parts of the front, some men responded to the events of Christmas Eve by tentatively emerging from their trenches into No Man’s Land on Christmas Day. Where it happened, enemy soldiers did indeed meet and spend Christmas together.
Spontaneously, they exchanged gifts and took photos - but it was importantly an opportunity to leave the damp of the trenches and tend to the dead and wounded of No Man’s Land. There wasn't a single organised football match between German and British sides. There may have been small-scale kick-abouts – but these were just one of many different activities men took the time to enjoy.

Adapted from: http://www.bbc.co.uk/guides/zxsfyrd
Watch the video carefully and listen to the lyrics.

Some interesting facts:
  • "The line in the song, "In love our problems disappear" was taken from the 1913 Nobel Prize winning Indian poet, Rabindranath Tagore (1861-1941). The original quotation was: "In love all of life's contradictions dissolve and disappear." "
  • "The music video featured Paul McCartney playing two different soldiers on opposing sides of trenches in World War 1. It recreated the incident where the opposing sides played a football match in No Man's Land on Christmas Day, 1914. .."  source:http://www.songfacts.com/detail.php?id=11256
  •  "...It portrays a British and a German soldier, both played by McCartney, who meet up in No Man's Land and exchange photos of their loved ones while other soldiers fraternise and play football. When a shell blast forces the two armies to retreat to their own trenches both men realise that they still have each other's pictures..." source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pipes_of_Peace_(song)
Would you like to read the LYRICS? Go HERE

  • Paste the LYRICS onto your portfolio.
  • Look up the following words:
    • TRUCE
    • SWAP
    • CAROLS
  • Imagine you're one of these soldiers and write a SHORT LETTER home explaining your wife/husband/family/mother/ sister...what happened on Christmas Day 2014.
DEADLINE: June 29th


BONUS: WW1 Letters from soldiers.

Resultado de imagen para LETTERS FROM SOLDIERS WW1Resultado de imagen para trench letter ww1 examples

Dear Mr Smith,
 I hope you will accept my apology for not writing before. It has not been want of will it has been lack of opportunity. I wonder how you all are. I am fairly well now but was very queer for several weeks recently. I also often wonder how you are all getting on and should like to hear. 
A matter of about five minutes ago Fritz was bombing us, and I have just got up off the ground where I was laying for about twenty minutes. One fellow has been hit, but not severely by shrapnel. This is his second visit this evening. 
It will soon be twelve months since I left you. It seems a very long time ago. I am afraid I have very little I may tell you, so will conclude by asking you to accept my best wishes for the New year and desiring that you will remember me kindly to any enquiring friends. Believe me, dear  
Mr Smith, sincerely yours
W Wiggs.

BONUS: If you´re interested in reading MORE, here goes a DOCUMENT with many more samples of letters.


jueves, 7 de junio de 2018



seguimos en evaluación de CONCURSO. Si bien ESTARÉ PRESENTE en el ISFD 41, no podré dar clase debido a que seguimos evaluando. Le pedí a la preceptora que se los comunique por Facebook, también.

Les dejo algo para ir haciendoooooo


martes, 5 de junio de 2018

World War 1- Causes - VIRTUAL CLASS

Resultado de imagen para VIRTUAL CLASSEstudios Interculturales VIRTUAL CLASS: Since we've been missing several classes...THIS ENTRY will be our VIRTUAL CLASS. You'll have to work ON YOUR OWN. Any queries, let me know ASAP.

In class we started reading: "Core Content. The 20th Century..." (pp. 758 to 760)... There we could see causes of the WW1. Watch these two videos: "What caused the WW1?" and "Bet You didn't know: WW1 /History." Then Draw a TABLE with 4 columns.

 1. what I knew about WW1 (BEFORE reading the material or watching the videos)
2. what I learnt from video 1
3. what I learnt from video 2
4. what I learnt from the song.

  • 1st Video: "What Caused the WW1?"

  • 2nd VIDEO: "Bet you didn't know : WW1/History." History Channel. You can use this video to complete your MAP. Be careful with countries and political divisions in 1914, they're different from 2018!

  • Now listen to this song "Causes of WW1" (It's a PARODY on Moana's song). Can you complete a FOURTH column of your TABLE with information from the song? Is there anything NEW?

Would you like to listen to Moana's ORIGINAL version of "How far I'll go"? GO TO THIS LINK

  • Paste the TABLE onto your portfolio.
  • Do NOT write full sentences, write ONLY CONCEPTS in NOUN PHRASES
  • TRY to make an ORGANIZED table, i.e. if the concept is REPEATED it in MORE than one source, write it on the SAME line.
DEADLINE: June 29th
