miércoles, 20 de junio de 2018

WW1- The Outbreak of the war.

Artist: The soldier was built by Martin Galbavy, a Slovakian blacksmith and artist who took three months to create it  Resultado de imagen para ww1
Another PIECE OF ART to show the horrors of the WW1.
  • It is made from items including spanners, car jacks, brake discs and horse shoes
  • Blacksmith and artist Martin Galbavy took three months to create the soldier
  • Its corroded complexion reflects the weathered look of a soldier weary from war
 (SOURCE: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4088906/Tin-Tommy-s-ready-scrap-20ft-metal-soldier-haunting-reminder-World-War.html

Read the rest of the material (Core Content. From The Outbreak of the War to Entry of the US -included) for NEXT CLASS. And get ready to answer a STUDY GUIDE.


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